Damian McHale – General Secretary
Damian is currently also a PAC Regional Organiser, based in the north-east of England. He’s a keen and enthusiastic pike angler and holds pike welfare and conservation close to his heart, along with the PAC.
Email: general_secretary@pacgb.com

Jon Neafcy – President
Jon has been a PAC member since he was a junior and has served as an RO and as an LO for the PAC. He lives in the north-west of England and has written many articles on pike-fishing, including chapters in two books. He has caught pike to over 35 pounds.
Email: jonneafcy@googlemail.com

Tony Urwin – Chairman
Tony has been a keen angler for over fifty years in all aspects of the sport, from LRF to big game fishing, but his main interest lies in fishing for predators. With a background in angling administration, Tony has been Assistant Secretary for one of the largest fishing clubs in Kent for twenty-five years, and is also treasurer for Tyne Valley/Borders PAC.
Email: adurwin@gmail.com

Stuart Watts – Treasurer
Stuart is a Chartered Accountant who is a keen pike angler, generally lure fishing the Yorkshire rivers and canals. Stuart is a Chartered Accountant and is now serving on his third PAC committee. He is a keen pike angler, generally lure fishing the Yorkshire rivers and canals, and also enjoys fishing holidays away.
Email: stuart@watts237.karoo.co.uk
Mobile: 07850 268899

Andy Carpenter – Membership Secretary
Andy has pike fished for over thirty-five years, and a PAC member for over twenty years, becoming more active in the club over the last eight years. Actively involved in Broadland projects, he is always willing to do support the future of ALL our fishing. Very proud to be awarded ROs of the year 2023 as joint RO for the Suffolk region ‘…with thanks to our region’s pike anglers coming together to make the PAC a great club to be part of.’ Please don’t hesitate to get in touch, regarding memberships, as we migrate to the digital platform.
Email: memberships@pacgb.com
Mob: 07970 749757

Phil Heaton – Products Manager
Phil is a long-standing member of The Pike Anglers’ Club and R.O. for RA 99 Rotherham and Sheffield. He has fished for pike for over 50 years, and is proud to have been a PAC member so long, helping at the annual conferences for most of that time, either on the door or selling the raffle tickets.
Email: rotherhampac@yahoo.co.uk
Mobile: 07375 322336

Susan Urwin – Safeguarding Officer
The following members are supporting PAC16 Committee

Stephen Harper – ‘Pikelines’ Editor
Stephen has pursued most of the freshwater species of fish found in Britain, but he has always enjoyed a special affinity with the awesome and enigmatic pike. He was a founder member of the original ‘Pike Society’, and ‘The Pike Anglers’ Club’ and the previous Chairman of the club. Stephen designs and controls the production of our magazine and website.
Email: harper.co@talk21.com

Dick Culpin – Menteith Events Manager
Dick is the Events Manager for our days on the famous Lake of Menteith.
Email: dickculpin@btinternet.com
Mobile: 07305 253312

Phil Turton – Angling Development Officer
Phil is another immensely experienced and highly successful pike angler. In he a short period of time has shown very good fund raising skills and an understanding of the importance in bringing juniors into angling. He runs a successful region and can draw from a good team of lads to help him in all his projects.
Email: paturton@btinternet.com

Neville Fickling – Representative Officer for Ireland
Neville is the PAC’s representative in Ireland. It is crucial that PAC maintains a presence and good relations in Ireland. A trained fishery scientist, former pike and zander record holder, and Angling Trust Ambassador, Neville is a regular visitor to the Emerald Isle. He is also a former PAC General Secretary, tackle trade professional and was the Editor of ‘Pike & Predators’ before the demise of the magazine in 2017.
Email: thetackleshop@btconnect.com
Tel: 01427 613002 / 01427 679434
Paul Klinkenborg
‘Pikelines’ Proof-Reader
Email: paul.trans@yahoo.co.uk
Susan Doyles
‘Pikelines’ Advertising Manager
Email: suedoyles@hotmail.co.uk
PAC Advisory Panel
Dr. Bruno Broughton, Dr. John Tate and Dave Lumb.